My English progress (2008-2010)
I think I have improved my English since 2008, well, I hope this jEJje
I'm going to compare an email with "the fair" which I consider my last composition.
In my first written document, an email to teacher, there isn't any structure. Moreover, you can see that I had a lower vocabulary level and I always wrote with the same verbs. Another clear difference is that now, I know how to use the majority of the verb tenses. Besides, I have learned some phrasal verbs, for example: bring down, cut back on, stand for, take care.. and I can use more connectors than the last year.
One year ago I had a nightmare because I couldn't write fast and I needed to much time to write a composition, but nowadays I think I have overcome it.
Talking about oral presentations, the first I did isn't bad but I talked about simple topics with more easy words, constructions than in the last oral. What has been good from the bigining is the structure used in power points. Maybe in the first oral I spoke in a fluid continum enough because I had been preparing the oral, but now I can mantain an improvising conversation without too many complications. The most difficult for me is the pronunciation. It has improved but not much.
If I have to choose an oral presentation, it would be the second oral of this year where I talked about my research project. I think it is the best of all 'cause I loves the topic, it reflexes all what I know. What makes it the best of the rest is that I used some phrasel verbs like pick up, hand up... connectors, and of curse, the quantity of technical words that I had to learn. Moreover I was looking at the public ( a difficult thing for me).
Well, isn't easy choose the best composition because I believe any of my writings are perfect. I would take some things of ones and other things of another ones. For instance: a good idiom is:
"If you put your mind to it you will do it!" which you can found it in "Tell me what is one of my favourite pets". "After Cosmetic Surgery, the 'Do Over'", a piece of news, I can say it is the best if I refer to the structure even on it hasn't the best content.
Therefore I don't know what to say to you...
ThanKs for all.