

All 50 states have laws against animal abuse but nowadays in all countries there is animal abuse. It's a pity that animal cruelty even exists.
Often on the TV there is news about torture of animals.

In my view the laws against this type of things should be more strict because only giving fines and sending them to prision isn't enough. Somebody should change the law. I would punish these people torturing them, because then, they would know what is animal abuse.
I don't understand how there are people who enjoy watching animals being tortured and killed. I know about a family who live in Fortia, actually on my street and they sometimes prepared cockerel to fight or dogs to fight. They don't give food to their animals and moreover the animals are tied up.
Somebody should lock them up.
How you can see I am totally against animal abuse. If you think it is funny, you have to know there are other things to do without killing dogs, for example, If you like causing harm then go and bang your own head against a wall.

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