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Good afternoon guys!

In this write up I'll talk about a serial which it's very interesting for me. It's on TV at 10 o'clock every Monday. I can recommend it to you because it represents every day life and common situations.

The programme started by showing a family's life. The family is composed by a teenager, a girl of twelve and her mum. The problem began when the mum died on a road accident. From then on the teenager called Mel had to start work to keep her sister Julia. Mel had a friend, Africa, and she helped her to be able to survive. After a few days the social worker went to visit the girls and she told them they would have to be looked after by some tutor because they couldn't be alone as they were under aged.
In the end, they thought that their tutor could be their uncle, the only person who was near to the girls and who they knew. The uncle didn't want to have the girls because the girls's mum and him hadn't spoken to each other for a long time.

The time went on and Mel started to work as a Model, like her friend. Her sister often didn't go to school and became involved with bad people like alcoholics...
She made a friend, a woman who liked drinking.
All was good, Mel felt in love with her photographer but he was forty and she was sixteen. Then the photographer didn't accept the relation ship because of the difference of age. He went to bed with an ex-model and Mel with her friend, a boy who was completly crazy about her.

More things happened, more problems until now, that the situation of the story is:
Africa has anorexia and her parents are separated.
Mel and the photographer are together.
The ex-model is trying to interfere in the photographer's life and Julia wants to see the alcoholic and her daughter together.
Finally the photographer's daughter after being depressed because she had changed cities and nobody didn't want to have anything to do with her, then she began to learn to make-up models.

Ok, this is the summary of this serial and I hope you'll start to watch it.

CU on Tuesday!

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