

This book is the best that I have ever read at school. The others were so boring and this has been more interesting because a lot of things happen.

First what I am going to talk about is how Henry influences Dorian and which type of person he is. Later I will tell you my opinion about Dorian Gray by concluding the entry.

Henry is the man who influences Dorian's life and he teaches him the bad ways. Fot the people who have read the book it is clear that Henry only wants his confort and for him the other persons aren't important. What he is looking for is Dorian falling in love with him as Dorian is young, beautifut and handsome so it is interesting for him. Furthermore Dorian has a lot of money because of his parent. In addition, on the other hand the story without Henry wouldn't be the same.
What's more is Henry's life is based in the importance about beauty and youth, two topics. I would say that for me beauty isn't so important because there are other things like feelings which are more significative in life because to be a good person means that you have a lot of friend so you don't need to be beautiful. As far as the youth is concerned only I would say that is better to thing to yourself you are young because then you are happier and for the others you seem young.

Well, now it is the turn to talk about Dorian. He is the main character in the story because all happens around him. He killed a lot of people because he was afraid and crazy. Leaving apart this, he is easily led by others so the only worry for him is to keep young for ever. Phsicologicaly he is wrong but with the money he has, he can do what he wants. Here appears another topic; the rich people.
I think sometimes this kind of people haven't got sentiments and often they are selfish.

To sum up I would say that this is a good book and I recomend it to the people who hasn't read it yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Clara!
    I like the picture!
    But I don't think the same about the book, I didn't like it at all. I hated the character of Dorian Gray, so selfish!
    I prefer love stories!

