

Hi there!!

The other day when we had got the break time, Fran and me played a guessing game. In Catalan it is called: pedra, paper, tisora. We did it to know who would start the oral presentation's exam. The rest of the class didn't want to be first. I won the game so I started the exam with Robin.
What was the best is the images of the powerpoint because classmates laughed a lot.

Well, from my point of view my speaking wasn't like I hoped because of my nerves and also the preparation. I think if I had prepared it better I would have known it by heart, so even though I was nervous it could have been better.
From the ten per cent which the presentation represents, I believe that I will have the highest mark because I used a very nice and funny images, the resources were focused on the topic and they supoorted the oral explanation. Moreover the timing was between 5 to 10 minutes or maybe a little bit longer but not much.
As far as the body language and eye contact, they wasn't very good from my part because most of the time I was looking at Sonia and maybe I read too much. In the other hand I did some gestures to indicate some things on the powerpoint. My mark could be a 4%.
The part of the structure as the part of the content was very good I think, so I would put to myself a 9% and a 38%.
I need to improve my language as some of the people in my class said to me, because I made some grammar errors. Really I knew the best form of grammarticaly structures but I failed it because I couldn't control my nerves. The next time I will take a valerian!!!!!!!!!!
Once that has been said I also have to say that I used connectors, some fillers and a varied vocabulary, more or less. Here my mark would be a 15%.
Finally my pronunciation was comprehensible but I pronounced some words badly. My voice wasn't monotonous and more or less I spoke in a fluid continuum. (7%)

My final mark could be an 8,3.


  1. Hi there! It's robin!
    I think that or presentation went quite good didn't it? I think that our Oral was interesting and fun!
    I think that your mark is fair but I would put it a bit higher,9?
    Oh yeah thanks for beating Franki at "pedra,paper,tisores"! We go to do first so I wasn't that nervous!

    Well c ya 2morrow in class!

  2. I'm agree with Robin, you( both) did an excellent presentation.

    See you tomorrow!
