

Good afternoon!

This entry is dedicated to my second oral presentation. It talked about my research project. I think it wasn't prepared well enough because I was concentrated and worried about my chemestry exam. I have to add that this time I have had more difficulties because I had to prepared it alone, without Robin's help.

Anyway, from the 10% which the presentation represents, my mark woulb be a 9% because I was supported by a power point with images related with what I was talking about. Although I spoke for seven minutes I was in time and the oral presentation wasn't boring.
The part of the body language wasn't too good because sometimes I read the paper when I forgot some things. As far as the eye contact I must say I improved since last oral presentation, I looked most of the time at people and not only at Sonia.
As you know I did some gestures to try to attract the people's attention (5%).
Talking about the structure I could say it was good so I believe this part of the mark would be a 10% and the content would represents a 35%. I know it needs changes but at the moment I did the research project, I did the best I could.
Moreover I extended my vocabulary because I learnt a lot of new words like kidneys, liver... in general my language was better than the last oral but it is a part I must improve.
I used connectors, some fillers and a varied vocabulary. Here my mark would be a 17%
To end with it, my pronunciation was comprehensible but I pronounced some words badly. My voice wasn't monotonous and I spoke fluidly but with something missing. (7%)

Final mark: 83%

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