
A Sultry World Is Found Orbiting a Distant Star

This piece of news talks about discoveries of stars, possible planets and other space's elements.

This bring me to think on our planet and about what we are doing to destroy it, so I'm going to talk about the Earth and I'll use some words related to the Environment, taking advantage of what I have studied them in class.
First of all I tell you that there is no solution to save the planet from pollution or from the crisis. Talking about pollution, is definitly impossible to arrange the Earth because it's too late so in the future the people who has money will go to another planet and poor people will be ill and they'll die. I know I am very drastic but the real life is like you can read here. Therefore if we discover new renewable resources they will not be enough to stop with all that.
Well, and less not speak about crisis. I don't know if it will be able to be repared because work at the moment is too bad.
I would like to have hope but I have already lost it.

Do you think the crisis will improve? When?

(New York Times)


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