
A DiFfeRent Expirience

Hi guys!
This entry is going to talk about a new expirience for me. In Fortià, concretly in my street lives a boy who is 10 years old and studies third of primary. His parents are Lithuanian and they have lived here for 4 years. The boy started to go Fortia's school but he didn't understand anything and moreover he didn't pay attention because he doesn't like school. The time passed and my parents and his parents got friends. One of the last summers I wanted to teach Catalan or do extra tuition to people who need it, so Eimans's parents came to visit me because they had decided to bring his child to my classes. Nowadays I help him to get some money.
At first I didn't know how to start to teach him because I didn't know his level, etc. I made him do a dictation and I could see he didn't know anything, at even how to write. He pretended to write something but really he couldn't. So I was shocked and the next thing we did was learn the alphabet, the vowels and the consonants. Luckily now he can write and also he knows tha basic grammatical rules.
I'm very proud and glad for him because he can continue a normal class.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations, teacher Clara! you can feel very proud and I am sure this boy will be eternally grateful to you! :-)
