

Hello dad and mum!

Today has passed one month since I left home, so I have thought it's time to write to you. I have a lot of things to tell you about Cameroon because it is very different from Catalonia and Spain.

Do you want to know what my residence's place here is like?
I sleep in a hut and arround me there are cows and other animals, it's funny because the other day a goat come into my hut and when I saw it I was scared because I just woke up.

Well, talking about people, they are very good persons, they always want to help one to each other but Cameroon is very poor. Some children can't go to school because the family don't have transport and moreover they don't have money. What is the worst is the ill children, it makes me very sad because the majority suffer a sickness because they starve. Every day I cure fifty boys and girls.

I would like to do more than I do.

Don't worry about me, I'm well.

Love u! See you soon.


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